Fertile Chicken Eggs


We have fertile chicken eggs up for sale, barnyard mix.

Roosters (Australorp, Rhode Island Red, Ayam Cemani/Wyandotte mix)

Hens (Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Ameraucanas, New Hampshire Reds, Marans)

Incubation services available also. Local pick up or delivery only, no shipping. $2 per egg

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We have fertile chicken eggs up for sale, barnyard mix.

Roosters (Australorp, Rhode Island Red, Ayam Cemani/Wyandotte mix)

Hens (Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Ameraucanas, New Hampshire Reds, Marans)

Incubation services available also. Local pick up or delivery only, no shipping. $2 per egg

We have fertile chicken eggs up for sale, barnyard mix.

Roosters (Australorp, Rhode Island Red, Ayam Cemani/Wyandotte mix)

Hens (Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Ameraucanas, New Hampshire Reds, Marans)

Incubation services available also. Local pick up or delivery only, no shipping. $2 per egg